Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Ways to Audition - Ace Your Next Audition

Ways to Audition - Ace Your Next Audition
Numerous, dare I say, most entertainers are their own worst adversaries when it concerns getting the part. They produce barriers from their own self doubt which they put in front of themselves at audition time. It's a bit like that old saying-- if you set yourself up to fail then it doesn't harmed so much when you do!

Change your attitude to auditions and change your luck at casting time. Truly, in a nutshell, it is that easy. Nevertheless, this short article wouldn't be of much value if I left it at that now would it! (But it's still true! )

As Gabriel Byrne, the successful film actor admits, he was having no luck in auditions up until, "one day I walked through a door and got two jobs-- two films on the exact same day-- since I had changed my attitude. I not was in awe or fear of the audition process.".

In this series of short articles, drawn from my new ebook, The Ultimate Audition Guide, you can discover ways to de-mystify the audition and ways to can take the awe and fear out of the whole process. Next time you audition you will arrive in front of a director or casting director prepared, willing and able to deliver a top notch, all round performance that will provide you the best shot of getting you the part you deserve.

Now, I cannot offer you an injection of talent or sure fire success but there is so much you can do to improve your own possibilities by being prepared and I'm going to help you get there.

You would be amazed at how many people have crossed my path as a casting director who are not just "unprepared" for the audition process, but who unfortunately believe that they deserved the part-- in spite of their clear lack of effort in preparation.

You have probably encountered them yourself if you have ever auditioned before. The people who think that nevertheless they audition they will get the part based on the method they look, the method they flirt with the director, the truth that they have always played the lead before etc. etc


If you're reading this though I'll assume you are clearly not one of those people, (or perhaps you are a reformed past offender), and you are on the right track.

Before we continue, nevertheless, I want you to make me a guarantee. I don't care what you are auditioning for-- and I strongly suggest you audition for as much as possible since at the end of the day winning auditions is a 'numbers game' (more of that later).

The guarantee I want you to make to yourself now is this:.

When you go to your next audition you won't just TRY your best you'll DO your best. That means putting into practice EVERYTHING you're about to discover. Making changes where you need to change and practicing where you need to practice.

I can already hear you saying "I'll try" but let's be truthful right here-- "I'll try" won't cut it.

Let's do a quick exercise. Put a pencil on the table in front of you.

Done that?

OK, now TRY and choose it up.


Did you CHOOSE IT UP or Just TRY to choose it up?

That's the thing see. You cannot just try. You either do it or you don't do it. There's no room for doubt. So guarantee me this: there's no room for the word TRY in your pursuit of audition success. Either you are going to DO what is required and turn up for your next audition prepared to succeed and DOING things right or you'll just be losing yours and your would be director's time and might also stop checking out now!

From this point on we are will always refer to Auditions not USE. Since we are not going to be Tryers-- we are going to be Do-ers. Auditionees. Well informed, confident capable and prepared to succeed.

Guideline # 1-- "You are worthy of to get the part so believe in yourself-- since if you don't they won't.".

Are you with me so far?

Watch out for the next short article in this series "In Pursuit of Talent".

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